Thursday, 4 February 2010

Cherie Blair

Okay, I know I usually blog about music, but this has really annoyed me.

In her infinite wisdom, Ms. Blair is letting a man who broke another man's jaw over a place in a queue in a bank off without a sentence, because he's religious. Surely I'm not the only one who thinks this is ridiculous?

If I broke someone's jaw because they stood in front of me at the bank would I be let off for not being religious but knowing what I did was wrong? Do those of us who choose not to believe in a higher power not understand the difference between right and wrong? In Cherie Blair's eyes are we all violent thugs who will go around raping and pillaging until one day we're left behind when God takes the righteous up to heaven (even the ones who punch another man over a spot in a queue) and leave the rest to be punished on earth for an eternity?

Cherie Blair's job, as a judge, is to look past the superficial aspects of a man's life (such as religion or wealth) and focus on the facts. She knows that this man caused ABH to another, and yet she is willing to let him off because he knows what he did was wrong. Personally, I think a lot of criminals know what they did was wrong, but I don't see any mass murderers walking around at the minute, or convicted thieves pushing a trolly around Tesco.

That decision needs to be overturned and Cherie Blair should come out and explain herself. It honestly mystifies me that she could possibly think that an excuse like that would be seen as acceptable by today's standards. 1510, maybe.

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